Actions to take in the event of a car accident
You might wish to take some actions after an automobile accident to ensure your safety, comply with the law, and begin the insurance claim procedure.
Feeling anxious after an accident is normal, but taking these precautions can reduce anxiety. You can then focus on preparing your vehicle's smooth and speedy repair with your insurance provider.
This article will discuss the most important things to do if you are involved in a car accident.
1. Verify the health and safety of your passengers
If you are not too hurt to move, see if the other people in your car need help. Then, call the emergency services or request that a bystander do so if anyone is hurt. You can also go to the sidewalk or the side of the road if you can.
Pull your vehicle to the side of the road if you can drive because leaving it in the middle of the road is dangerous. Alternatively, leave it alone and find protection for yourself.
2. Keep your cool
Breathe in first, then out. Take a minute to evaluate the situation. It is crucial to remain calm if you feel hurt or in danger. You can handle things better if you are relaxed and composed.
3. Call the police
It is important to notify the police immediately, even in a minor accident with no injuries. In addition, call 911 because you need to submit official police reports to file an auto insurance claim.
You must give the police the following information:
Your full name and contact details
Insurance company name and policy number
License plate number and driver's license
Model, kind, and color of the car
Place of the accident
Furthermore, you must remain on the scene because it is illegal to leave an accident scene before the police arrive.
Get the police officer's name and badge number when they arrive. Then, ask the on-duty policeman where you may get a copy of the accident report.
4. Record the scene
Capture pictures of the harmed vehicles, the damaged property, the people involved, the license plates, and the location markers. The photos will help you remember the incident when filing your insurance claim.
Take pictures of your automobile from several angles, capturing the damage to both cars, to fully document the collision. It is also a good idea to take images of the license plate of the opposing vehicle. You can provide pictures to your insurer to substantiate your claim during the claims process.
5. Record people involved
Remember to add the names of all passengers in the other car. You must provide the names and addresses of everyone involved. You should also include the names and contact details of any witnesses to the accident, if there were any.
6. Communicate without assigning blame
Even though you should always tell the other driver what happened, you should be careful not to blame or apologize.
Did you know that just expressing "I'm sorry" could be seen in some circumstances as an admission of legal responsibility
7. Submit a claim to your insurance provider
You should submit an auto insurance claim as soon as you can after the accident.
This will enable your claim to be processed more quickly. Also, if you call your auto insurance company early, you will be better protected if the other driver makes false claims about injuries or damage. You can submit a claim with the Tennessee Auto Insurance Agency via phone or online.
Commonly asked questions
Can I purchase insurance after an accident?
You can purchase insurance and find insurance providers whenever you wish. However, you cannot buy insurance for repairs after an accident.
What to do if the accident was your fault?
Following an accident you believe was your fault, you would take the actions outlined above and file a claim with your insurance provider.
Even if you think you are at fault, the insurance adjuster's inquiry will evaluate your legal liability first. Repairs may be covered regardless of fault if you have comprehensive and collision insurance.
What to do if you were not the cause of the accident?
Even if the accident was not your fault, you must submit a claim to your insurance provider. If the other motorist is determined to be at fault, the other driver's insurance company may be obligated to pay for repairs, depending on your state's laws. Yet, some states do not recognize blame, in which case both insurers would be responsible. Consult your insurance provider if you need clarification on whether your state is no-fault.
And keep in mind that legal liability is only established after an investigation, even if you believe you are not at fault.
How does an insurance company assess car damage?
Insurance companies estimate the cost of repairing your car. However, depending on your insurance coverage, you can get that money back after paying a deductible.
Your car might be deemed unrepairable if the repair costs are too high. In this situation, depending on the coverage of your particular policy, you can be compensated for the current market value of your car.
What occurs after I submit a claim to my insurance provider?
Your insurance carrier will require the data listed earlier when you submit a vehicle insurance claim. Also, they will designate an adjuster to examine your car for damage to assess who was responsible for the collision and the cost of repairs.
Depending on your insurance, you might be compensated for the repairs or, if your car is totaled, for its real cash value.
In conclusion
Accidents happen, and they are frightening. Kudos for learning to be ready for an accident by taking these seven actions. Reviewing your insurance policy to ensure you have the proper auto insurance and coverage for what you require is one thing you can do right away to help in the event of an accident.
Customers of the Tennessee Auto Insurance Agency can submit a claim online in no more than 10 minutes. Click here to get a quote.
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